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Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Courses are offered in the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters and are 12-weeks in length. Courses taken at the graduate level provide three credit hours. Each three-credit hour course requires approximately 135 hours of work, and students should expect to spend approximately nine hours per week on their studies. Coursework includes weekly assignments (e.g., reading assignments, group discussion posts, short written assignments) and larger assignments (e.g., final papers, practicums). Students are encouraged to review course schedules and syllabi at the beginning of the semester, as well as throughout the semester and plan accordingly in order to keep pace with assignments and discussions.


Good Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing refers to students who maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher, promote academic integrity, and uphold high academic standards in their writing in the classroom communication and with faculty and staff.

Good Academic Standing is a requirement for:

  • Receiving scholarships
  • Taking a leave of absence
  • Enrolling in TP6900 Directed Study
  • Graduation

Academic Probation

Academic Probation refers to a level of academic standing between Good Academic Standing and Academic Dismissal. While on academic probation, the student is allowed to continue enrollment at Atlantic University for two semesters, but is no longer in Good Academic Standing and is in jeopardy of dismissal from the university. Students are placed on academic probation upon failure to achieve or maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and are returned to good standing only after achieving a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students have two semesters to move their cumulative GPA to or above a 3.0. If the student fails to do so within two semesters while on Academic Probation, the student will be dismissed from the university. If a student falls below a cumulative 3.0 GPA for a second time they will be dismissed from the school.

Additionally, students will be placed on Academic Probation when they have violated the University’s Academic Integrity policies (i.e. cheating, plagiarism, research misconduct). The student will remain on Academic Probation for one semester. They will return to Good Academic Standing at the end of the semester pending full compliance with the University’s Academic Integrity policies. A second violation of the University’s Academic Integrity policies may result in Academic Dismissal.

Students have the right to formally appeal all adverse decisions by following the appeal policy in this catalog.

Academic Dismissal

If the cumulative or semester GPA is below a 2.0 while on Academic Probation, the student will be dismissed at the end of the term. A student dismissed for unsatisfactory academic performance may petition for reinstatement by providing evidence of extenuating circumstances. Once readmitted, the student must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better to remain enrolled in the program.


Semester and Academic Weeks

A “semester” is a period of twelve weeks in which students must complete all courses in which they are enrolled. The academic week runs from Monday to Sunday, ending at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). Students of Atlantic University have access to Moodle, Atlantic University’s learning management system (LMS) and can access courses through the LMS 24/7 during the twelve-week semester.

Atlantic University measures graduate and noncredit programs in semester credit hours. Each course within the program is only acceptable for credit within the respective noncredit certificate, graduate certificate, and graduate degree programs. Each three-credit course requires approximately 135 hours of work and students should expect to spend approximately nine hours per week on their studies. Coursework includes weekly assignments (e.g., reading assignments, group discussion posts, written assignments, projects).


Attendance Requirements and Student Participation

All assignments must be posted through the online classroom in Moodle. Students must submit all assignments listed both in the syllabus and in the classroom by their due date. Late assignments will be penalized with a grade reduction. Under extenuating circumstances, the student must contact the instructor to make alternate arrangements for submitting the assignment late. Instructors will grade and return all assignments through the online classroom within one week of the original submission unless otherwise indicated. 

The online courses have mandatory weekly discussion posts. Participating in these discussions will count, in part, as attendance and participation for that week. Participation also includes completing and submitting all assignments on time. Failure to participate in the weekly discussion and to submit assignments will negatively affect the course grade.

Students who have not posted or submitted assignments will be contacted by their instructor. If the student fails to attend class or participate for more than two weeks, the student can be Administratively Withdrawn (AW) from the course.

All students are expected to complete courses within a 12-week time frame.


Maintaining Active Status

A student must enroll in at least three semesters per calendar year to maintain “Active” status. Active status also entails course completion within the past 100 days or current active enrollment while progressing on schedule towards course completion and submitting academic work within the past six months. Failure to maintain a minimum level of course activity will result in the student being placed in “Inactive” status. Inactive students must seek readmission by reapplying to the university and completing all procedures as outlined in the admissions requirements. Students must be readmitted formally prior to registering for additional classes. Readmitted students are admitted under the policies included in the catalog in effect at the time of readmission and are subject to the current tuition rate.