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Grades Information

Grade Description Quality Grade Point Credit Hours
A Excellent 4 3
B Above Average 3 3
C Average 2 3
F Fail 0 0
I Incomplete 0 0
W Withdrawal 0 0
AW Administrative Withdrawal 0 0
NS Non-Start 0 0
SC Satisfactorily Completed (noncredit) 0 0
NC Not Satisfactorily Completed (noncredit) 0 0

Atlantic University uses a four-point grading system. A table of values of each grade given is presented above.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total of quality grade points earned at Atlantic University by the total number of courses taken for which an “A” through “F” grade has been received.

Course Repeat Policy

A student may repeat a course one time if the original grade was below a “C.” When a student repeats a course, the previous grade for that course remains on the transcript, but only the last grade is used in computing the grade point average (GPA). Students who repeat a course must pay the tuition fee for that course. After two failed attempts, the original grade will remain on the transcript. If the student fails a required course twice they will not be eligible for graduation from the university. If an elective is failed twice, the student can choose another elective course and may still be eligible for graduation.

Incompletes and Extensions

At the end of the semester in which a course is started, the student will receive a final grade based upon the work completed. A grade of “I” for “Incomplete” may be granted for a student who has progressed through 80 percent of the course but cannot complete the coursework due to extenuating circumstances. In such cases, the coursework must be completed within two weeks after the course end date. To receive a grade of “I” and an extension, the student must obtain permission from both the faculty mentor and the advisor. Upon completion of the extension, a final grade will replace the Incomplete on the student’s record. Three extensions (one per course) are allowed per student.

Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from Atlantic University courses at any time up through the ninth week in the 12-week semester following the official start date of a course. A student who wishes to withdraw from a course must submit a request in writing or verbally to the Atlantic University administrative offices. Requests can be made any calendar day. Depending upon the start date for the course, some refund of tuition paid may be available; thus, a decision to withdraw should be made as early as possible. (For specific information on refunds associated with dates of withdrawal, see page XX). For withdrawals that are initiated after the start date of the course, a grade of “W” will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

Four course withdrawals, including Administrative Withdrawals, are permitted in a student’s academic career with the university. Students are encouraged to think carefully before withdrawing from a course and should contact their mentor and advisor for guidance before submitting a request to withdraw. Once the limit of four course withdrawals has been reached, the student cannot withdraw from a course and will earn the appropriate grade at the end of the semester.

Administrative Withdrawal

A student who has stopped attending class violated the Student Conduct policy, or stopped deferred payments on a course may be administratively withdrawn. A grade of “AW” will be assigned. The student will receive a refund per the stated guidelines, dependent on date of last activity in the classroom, date of conduct violation, or date of delinquent tuition payment.

Grade Challenge Procedure

Step 1: Informal Discussion

The student discusses the matter with the course mentor. If a satisfactory solution is not reached, the student may challenge the mentor’s decision by following the procedure outlined in Step 2.

Step 2: Formal Challenge

1. The student submits a formal, written challenge of the course grade to the Vice President of Academic Affairs within one semester following completion of the course for which the grade was given.

2. The Vice President of Academic Affairs submits a copy of the written challenge to the mentor, who must respond in writing within a one-week period. The student is furnished with a copy of the mentor’s response. If the course mentor is incapacitated or is no longer employed by the university, the Vice President of Academic Affairs may appoint a three-person committee from the faculty to make a response to the challenge.

3. The Vice President of Academic Affairs reviews the evidence and makes a decision, and that decision is communicated in writing to both the student and the mentor within one week of receiving the instructor’s written response. If the Vice President of Academic Affairs wishes for assistance in reaching a decision, they may appoint a three-person committee from the faculty to review the evidence and make a recommendation. In any event, the Vice President of Academic Affairs’ decision in the matter will be final.

Good Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing refers to students who maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher and promote academic integrity and uphold high academic standards in their writing in the classroom communication and with faculty and staff.

Good Academic Standing is a requirement for:

  • Receiving scholarships
  • Taking a leave of absence
  • Enrolling in TP6900 Directed Study
  • Graduation

Academic Probation

Academic Probation refers to a level of academic standing between Good Academic Standing and Academic Dismissal. While on academic probation, the student is allowed to continue enrollment at Atlantic University for two semesters, but is no longer in Good Academic Standing and is in jeopardy of dismissal from the university. Students are placed on academic probation upon failure to achieve or maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and are returned to good standing only after achieving a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students have two semesters to move their cumulative GPA to or above a 3.0. If the student fails to do so within two semesters while on Academic Probation, the student will be dismissed from the university. If a student falls below a cumulative 3.0 GPA for a second time they will be dismissed from the school.

Additionally, students will be placed on Academic Probation when they have violated the University’s Academic Integrity policies (i.e. cheating, plagiarism, research misconduct). The student will remain on Academic Probation for one semester. They will return to Good Academic Standing at the end of the semester pending full compliance with the University’s Academic Integrity policies. A second violation of the University’s Academic Integrity policies may result in Academic Dismissal.

Students have the right to formally appeal all adverse decisions by following the appeal policy in this catalog.

Academic Dismissal

If the cumulative or semester GPA is below a 2.0 while on Academic Probation, the student will be dismissed at the end of the term. A student dismissed for unsatisfactory academic performance may petition for reinstatement by providing evidence of extenuating circumstances. Once readmitted, the student must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better to remain enrolled in the program.