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Advice & Support

Academic advising is essential to student success. It is our objective to see students succeed and attain their goals throughout their experience and after they complete their programs of study. 

Academic advising is available to assist students in:

  • Selecting courses
  • Program requirements
  • Financial records
  • Scholarships

Contact your advisor at

The Student Services Administrative Assistant is available to assist with:

  • Proctored exams
  • Academic records
  • Grades and transcript orders
  • Program completion requirements, diplomas, and certificates

If students need assistance with any of the listed items, they may contact the Student Services Administrative Assistant at


Normal Student Support Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (EST)

The student must provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Student number (ID number)
  • Phone number with area code
  • Alternate contact number
  • A detailed description of the problem

If Student Services or Advising is unavailable, the student will be instructed to leave a voicemail message with the appropriate information and the representative will respond as soon as possible. All other nonacademic requests for assistance should be directed to the Advisor or Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management Services during normal business hours at 800-428-1512.

After Hours Student Support

Given the importance of student success, Atlantic University offers 24/7 student support through Student Resources and Advising classrooms within Moodle LMS. Examples of after-hours assistance within these classrooms include, but are not limited to:

  • Program inquiries
  • Enrollment questions
  • Enrollment application forms
  • Policies and procedures
  • Technology support and help
  • Invalid Login/Password
  • Website not found
  • Testing issues

Students are in contact with Student Services from admission to graduation; Student Services and Advising maintain regular communications with the student to create realistic goals for the timely completion of courses to correlate with the student’s graduation goals. Advising and Student Services assist the student in their educational growth and celebrate milestones and achievements along the student’s academic journey. Student support systems are an exploration and discovery process that enables the student to view one’s self from a fresh perspective.

The student is responsible for academic decisions and education. In order for the University to assist students most effectively, it is the student’s responsibility to immediately communicate needs and/ or concerns to the appropriate representative for a timely and effective resolution.