Raye Mathis, M.S.W.| Faculty | Atlantic University

In the mid-1970’s, I attended a month-long Atlantic University retreat on meditation. I had been a student of the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce since the early 60’s and had attended numerous A.R.E. conferences, but this Atlantic University experience was the most intense application of the concepts in the readings I had ever experienced. The retreat changed the direction of my life. Several years later, after receiving my master’s degree in clinical social work and attending the Jung Institute in Switzerland for several semesters of postgraduate work, I accepted a position on the Atlantic University faculty. In addition to teaching one of the courses, Spiritual Crisis (TP5005), I have also taught elective courses in symbolism, mythology, archetypes, and alchemy – all topics common to the Cayce readings and Jungian psychology.

Atlantic University provides a supportive environment for each student to pursue individual interests in the transpersonal field. The university encourages the students to expand their consciousness about themselves as transpersonal beings, as well as about their relationship to the world around them. As we enter a new age, I am very excited about the possibilities that this type of educational program offers.