Nick Atlas, PhD | Faculty | Atlantic University

Nick Atlas holds a PhD in Psychology and has over 25 years experience in psychoeducation, consciousness studies and the healing arts. Nick has also completed multiple certifications, has taught extensively at the university-level, and has served as Faculty Chair at Atlantic University since 2020. The Director of Evolutionary Education®, he offers personal and professional training in Breathwork, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Lucid Dreaming, and Psychedelic Facilitation, and specializes in trauma-sensitive, body-centered approaches for emotional release. In his private practice, he works with a wide range of clients dealing with various issues including anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, substance abuse, and terminal illness, as well as those seeking spiritual awakening, reconnection and realization. Originally from New York City, Nick has authored a memoir detailing his own heroic journey and world travels, and enjoys making music, open-water swimming, and hiking with his dog in the beautiful, Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts.


  • Atlas, N. (2020). Exploring consciousness: Old habits and new horizons. In R. Beshara (ed.), A critical introduction to psychology. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Atlas, N. (2020). Yoga nidra: The art of relaxation. In C. Fracasso S. Krippner (eds.), A mental health practitioner’s guide to holistic treatments. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
  • Atlas, N. (2019). The light travelers: A mystical journey. Villa Rica, GA: Evolutionary Education, LLC.
  • Stumbrys, T. & Atlas, N. (in press). Lucid dreaming. In H. L. Friedman & G. Hartelius (eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology, 2nd ed. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Trevathan-Minnis, M., Bloom, T., Atlas, N., MacDonald, D. A., & Friedman, H. L. (2021). Black Dog Syndrome: Using dog facial-emotion recognizability to explore this putative phenomenon. The Humanistic Psychologist, 49(4), 616-629.
  • Bloom, T., Trevathan-Minnis, M., Atlas, N., MacDonald, D., & Friedman, H. (2021). Identifying facial expressions in dogs. A replication and extension study. Behavioral Processes, 186, 104371.
  • Atlas, N. (2016). Book Review: The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology, by Harris L. Friedman & Glenn Hartelius (eds.). International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 35(2).
  • Atlas, N. (2019). How the legalization of magic mushrooms just might save the world. Elephant Journal.
  • Atlas, N. (2019). Tourist or traveler: 4 tips to deepen your relationship to place. Elephant Journal.
  • Atlas, N. (2015). The second trick every lucid dreamer should know. Elephant Journal.
  • Atlas, N. (2014). The one trick every lucid dreamer should know. Elephant Journal.
  • Atlas, N. (2014). Shopping for a guru: How to find a spiritual teacher that fits. Elephant Journal.