As an Alumni of Atlantic University, Dr. Cowlin has a special interest in the transpersonal experience, particularly the intersection of the warrior code and mysticism. As a global wayfarer, he has spent most of his life overseas, serving as a bomb disposal technician, innovation psychologist, and licensed practitioner of oriental medicine. He gently leads technology and academic efforts with an NGO removing Explosive Remnants of War (landmines, bombs, IEDs) in post-conflict zones across the globe. He consults internationally as a crisis innovation expert and has performed calmly in scores of global disasters. Additional research interests include food security in the developing world, particularly cricket farming. As a service-connected disabled veteran, Dr. Cowlin is deeply involved in PTSD and Post Traumatic Growth. He is immensely interested in supporting veterans chart their inner journey and reconcile traumatic experiences with spiritual tools that work. Possessing numerous Asian languages, he spends his free time locating and identifying ancient sacred sites across South East Asia on a motorcycle. Helping de-mine these sites and honor the wisdom of the ancients helps mitigate the stress of the warrior life. He believes altruistic activities where one puts “skin in the game” help us connect to our inner strength.