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Transfer Credits Information

Transferring Credits to Atlantic University

Students may transfer up to four courses (twelve hours of graduate credit) if such courses are determined to be relevant and comparable to those offered by the University.

  • The course must be graduate level
  • The course must have been completed at an Accredited College or University recognized by the US Department of Education. International students must have their transcripts evaluated prior to consideration for transfer. A list of evaluators can be provided by the admission department.
  • The student must have earned a “B” or better in the course
  • The course must pertain to Atlantic University’s Curriculum. The content of the transferred in course must be comparable to the content of a course offered by Atlantic University
  • The course will be reviewed for transferability using the following:
    1. Official transcripts
    2. Title, description, syllabus, course objectives and/or justification for its applicability to Atlantic University’s curriculum.
  • If approved, transfer credit will be based on the course’s original semester hours or quarter hours. If the credit was quarter hour, it will be converted to the semester hour to meet Atlantic University’s transcript requirements.

Transferring Credits from Atlantic University

Should a student wish to transfer Atlantic University credits to another institution or to pursue a graduate degree at another university, it should be noted that the acceptance of Atlantic University’s credits and/or recognition of the degree it confers is discretionary on the part of the receiving university.

Transfer Credit Appeal Procedure

Students who would like to challenge the evaluation of their transfer credits from other colleges and universities into AU must follow this appeal process:

  • Appeals should be sent via email to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 
  • Include your name, email, and a clear explanation as to why you believe the initial
    response was inappropriate.
  • Include any information or evidence to justify that the course credit should be
    transferred. Examples of support include a comparison of topics covered, credit
    hours, sample course syllabi, or other material indicating the courses are