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Integrated Imagery: Regression Hypnosis - Course Listing & Descriptions

All courses are listed numerically

TP6115 Integrated Imagery Level One

Credit Hours: *3

The purpose of the TP6115 Level One course is to introduce the student to a technique for psychological and spiritual growth called Integrated Imagery through a didactic and supervised experiential process that includes a four-day residency and online cohort and mentor interaction prior to and subsequent to the residency. The course starts with an introduction to the principles of the technique, reincarnation theory as it relates to growth processes, the model of complex psychology, and the concept of the energetic chain of experience. The student will learn basic intake and induction techniques, introductory processing and guidelines, and closure and integration techniques designed to de-energize negative patterns and enliven positive experiences and memories. The primary emphasis of this introductory course and level of training is on exploring the positive aspects of one's psychospiritual nature and how those aspects affect one's sense of life path, also viewed as soul purpose in some spiritual systems. Another application of Integrated Imagery is to access transpersonal states of consciousness in order to gain additional insights, guidance, and creative impetus to support the process of conscious evolution and creativity. Although the technique enables people to access what appear to be past lives and transpersonal states of consciousness, the subjects of the regression experience need not have any belief in reincarnation or spirituality for the purpose of insight and healing. In this respect, Integrated Imagery can be viewed as another technique comparable to those used in dream work, sand play, or any of the creative arts therapies. Consequently, the regression experience will tend to be relevant to the subject's life and therefore have healing potential.



TP6120 Integrated Imagery Level Two

Credit Hours: *3

The purpose of this second-level course is to enable the student to develop a more advanced level of skill in the technique of Integrated Imagery. As in Level One, TP6115, this will be accomplished through a didactic and supervised experiential process that includes a four-day residency and online cohort and mentor interaction prior to, during, and subsequent to the residency. In the online preparation for the residency and during the four-day residency, the student will be introduced to a more advanced understanding of Eriksonian hypnosis, complex psychology, and the processing of not only positive but traumatic regression experiences accessed in what is called in this model the energetic chain of experience. This involves biographical, perinatal, and transpersonal experiences as well as what may be perceived as past life memories when necessary. Through lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, and supervised regression experiences during the residency, the students will be expected to acquire more advanced skills in the intake/induction, guiding/processing, and closure/integration stages of the technique. In this second level of training, emphasis will be placed on the technique of processing and re-scripting (de-energizing) the negative or traumatic experiences surfacing in the regression process. The online component of the course subsequent to the residency involves the submission of case presentations discussing the residential experience as a guide and as a traveler as well as eight practice regression sessions to be conducted privately during the final weeks of the course. Prerequisite: TP6115 Integrated Imagery Level One.



TP6125 Integrated Imagery Level Three

Credit Hours: 3

More advanced topics and techniques will be introduced and demonstrated, including advanced techniques in processing trauma, the use of progressions, an introduction to dealing with attachments, and the application of Integrated Imagery as a technique in spiritual mentoring. Consequently, emphasis will be placed on the issue of ethics and establishing a mentoring practice. The online component of the course subsequent to the residency involves the submission of case presentations discussing the residential experience as a guide and traveler, as well as eight practice regression sessions to be conducted privately during the final weeks of the course. Prerequisites: TP6115 Integrated Imagery Level One and TP6120 Integrated Imagery Level Two.

